Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My first pair of Venture heated gloves

If it wasn't for my whole family being right here in the central portion of the central state in the US, I would SO move to a warmer climate!

I got my first pair of heated gloves in the mail the other day. It was a Christmas present to myself. I ordered the Venture brand gloves that have the rechargeable battery in the gauntlet. I was nervous about spending so much money on them but I think I will be very glad I did. They have heating elements in each finger and the thumb, instead of just the hand, and they will last from 2 - 8 hours on a single charge. There are 4 heat settings and it is easy to change the heat setting when the gloves are on. They are attractive in a black nylon type fabric, with leather palms for a good grip. They seem durable and well made. I ordered a size medium (unisex sizing) and I usually wear a woman's large or xlarge glove. I think there might even be room in them for my thin glove liners if I still need them.
I can't wait for a little warmer weather - even as high as upper 30s or 40 and I will put on my long johns, chaps if needed, hoodie, leather coat, hat, and HEATED GLOVES! That is, as soon as the street is dry and free of ice. :)
I will let you know how they work after I take my first ride in the chill. I wonder what will be the coldest part of me this spring, now that I have the gloves.....

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