Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spring is Just Around the Corner

It will soon be riding weather again here in Iowa! Anytime that it rises above 40 degrees, I intend to take a short ride. We started the Harleys in the garage last week and the sound of that engine just raised my spirits. That and the temperature we are having is now above 30 degrees at the end of January.

I finally got my heated gloves in the mail. I was so excited that I wore them outside around the neighborhood helping my 9 year old sell Girl Scout cookies. It was so disappointing to learn that the left glove was defective. All the fingers heated up as they should except the left thumb and index finger. They appeared to be dead. I could tell that if they had worked properly, I would have been very happy with the amount of heat delivered by the rechargeable battery, but not with 2 defective fingers. After a long conversation with some great customer service people at the Sports Authority, they agreed to allow me to return them and gave me a full refund, but they are now out of the heated gloves in my size. I will not get heated gloves this year it seems so my riding will have to be limited to shorter trips in town and warmer temperatures.

Without a faring to protect my hands, I get very cold riding in any temperature below 50 degrees, even if I wear good leather gauntlet gloves and glove liners inside them. I have tried the 99 cent heating pads in my gloves and they work for the palms but not for the fingers. My husband, on the other hand can ride his Harley Davidson Electra Glide with the faring to protect his hands in much colder temperatures.

Back to my search for heated gloves, but I can't say enough about the service at the Sports Authority. I can't blame them for selling me the last pair of Venture heated gloves that didn't work..

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