After the brutal rainstorm we endured, we dried out in the summer sun. One fantastic thing about the weather in the midwest, is that storms blow up quickly, but leave quickly. After the storm you are left with a beautiful sunny day (at least in August). Riding your Harley Davidson on the highway in 90 degree heat will, thankfully, dry you out quickly.
When we arrived at our hotel in Rapid City late the second day, I learned another lesson, but thankfully this was one that I learned at the expense of some other poor woman rider. We saw a young women with tousled wind blown hair, in a bandanna, sitting in the courtyard of the hotel on her cell phone. She appeared to be hunched over in despair, with her back was to us, as we heard snippets of her conversation. Here is what we heard: "but you don't understand, they are very burned", "pain", "bleeding", and "please call in something for me". It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out she was making a call to her doctor. I became morbidly curious to know what had happened to her, so I loitered around the courtyard to catch a better glimpse of her. When she finally hung up the phone and turned so that I could see her face, I saw the issue she was dealing with. She had the most painful looking lips and face that I had ever seen. It was clear that she had ridden a long ways, maybe several days to get there, without sun protection for her face and lips. Her nose was bright red and her cheeks were burned, but by far the biggest problem was this poor girl's lips! They were at least twice the size of Angelina Jolie's and I doubted that they were originally enhanced. Her lips were swollen, bright red, cracked, and oozing. It was a painful sight just to look at, let alone for her to experience. I hoped her doctor had been able to call in a prescription for something to fix the problem, although I suspect only time would really heal those monster lips. I felt so sorry for her, but I learned a valuable lesson for all women riders: Wear sunscreen at all times, and pay close attention to a lip balm that has a high SPF factor! I would have to hope that she learned that as well, the hard way.
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