Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our first Harley Davidson

After our family visit to Sturgis in 2005, we vowed to return on our own Harley.  Mike and I went to the local Harley Davidson dealer in the spring of 2006 so he could test drive a new Electra-Glide.  He fell in love with so much about that beautiful black bike, that he bought it immediately!  The best part about it, he told me, was the room and comfort of riding on it.  He finally fit well on a motorcycle.  He had leg room, a bigger seat, saddle bags and a touring pack for storage.  You see, Mike is a big guy too, at 6 foot 2 and over 250 pounds.  He brought that bike home and told me to "gear up" for a ride.
I was skeptical at first.  I remembered being cramped on a little seat behind him, having my knees feel like they were under my chin and feet resting on little tiny pegs.  It had been some years since we had enjoyed riding together.  That first ride for me on the Electra-Glide was WONDERFUL!  I had a nice comfortable seat with armrests and plenty of leg room and he still fit comfortably in front of me.  It only took that first ride for me to remember the joy I felt riding.  I am really not a bike snob for sake of one brand over another but it is hard not to be partial to comfort.
We took many rides that spring; short ones and longer ones.  It was wonderful to spend that time together with him on the open road.  It was that spring that we finalized our plan to attend the 2006 Sturgis Bike Rally.

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