Monday, November 22, 2010

On riding behind... with MY behind....

After the initial dissappointing attempt at learning to ride my own motorcycle, I resigned myself to the fact that I would just "ride behind" my husband on his Kawasaki Vulcan.  I reasoned that would be just as good in the long run. 
During that time early in our marriage, we enjoyed doubling up on the bike and taking short rides around town.  I have to tell you that I am 6 foot tall and early in our marriage weighed about 200 pounds.  My butt was at least 20+ inches wide and I was riding on a seat that was about 8 inches wide.  Can you say "permawedgie"?  We limited our riding to short distances because it was just that uncomfortable.  I could not imagine being out very long perched on the back like that.  During that time my husband rode by himself much of the time, and seemed to actually enjoy nice LONG rides.  I couldn't imagine it.
Our riding days became much more limited as we gained a bit of weight throughout our comfortable marriage.  I gained up to above 250 pounds and Mike gained upwards to 300 pounds.  We still tried to continue our riding pleasure but the rides got shorter and shorter as we got more and more cramped trying to fit on the seats.  In fact during one our rides, I could swear I heard that poor Kawasaki WHEEZING up a hill.  We must have been quite a load for it.  Poor thing.
There came a day when my husband, bless his heart, broke the news to me that we just didn't fit on that bike anymore.  What that really meant was that there was only room for one extra large person, not two, and since he was the only one who could drive it, the spoils went to him!  I was sad to kiss my riding days goodbye in favor of continuing to eat. 

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